Travel Insurance - Why You Mustn't Set Off Without It

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When you're booking an overseas holiday, travel insurance isn't always the uppermost thing on your mind - especially if you're heading to somewhere relatively close by.

But be warned - the cost of failing to take out adequate protection against issues such as lost luggage and medical treatment can be huge, with breaks to some countries resulting in bills of tens of thousands of pounds if you happen to injure yourself or fall ill.

Making sure to always take out the right travel insurance policy before you set off for your overseas break can help guard against such huge expenses.

Lost luggage

Losing your luggage can be stressful - more so if it wasn't your fault.

The Foreign & Commonwealth Office recommends taking out travel insurance rather than relying on airline compensation if your carrier loses your bags and suitcases in transit.

Airlines are required by law to pay a specific minimum amount per kilo of lost luggage to the traveller affected, which is likely to be far less than the actual worth of the belongings that have been mislaid.

Medical expenses

Medical bills can be huge in pretty much any foreign country if you haven't taken out the right travel insurance.

Figures from FirstAssist Services indicate that the cost of flying back to the UK with a doctor escort from Australia in the event of injuring yourself or becoming ill can be between £15,000 and £20,000.

If you need to head back home from the Canary Islands, this can cost up to £16,000, while those doing so from the east coast of the US will be required to pay between £35,000 and £45,000 if they do not have travel insurance.

What else?

Holiday insurance can cover a number of other issues when heading abroad.

For example, you can get policies that offer protection for personal liability if you are sued for damaging property or causing injury, as well as those offering cover for lost and stolen possessions and needing to cancel or curtail your break.

Make sure to check the fine print of your policy and talk to your insurer to check it covers everything you might need on your next trip abroad.

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